Felt Gingerbread Star Cookie Ornament

Photo Courtesy Tikkido/tikkido.com

Here is the fifth ornament in the series of five I make for Nikki of Tikkido.com. Her beautiful Christmas Cottage ideas were featured in the newly released Bird’s Party magazine. This is a very simple ornament. Though I’ve only had a chance to make one, I’ve included 2 versions of the cookie on the pattern.

What I Used:

There isn’t really many steps to making these, and you could easily make your own variations.

You start by embroidering the snowflake designs onto the front (or both) sides of the ornaments. I used two strands of white embroidery floss to stitch mine. Switch to one strand of floss and a beading needle to sew on the beads. I made two passes through each bead for strength. To finish, add some batting and a ribbon and sew the two sides together.

To view all of the ornaments I’ve designed (with more to come) look here. Ornaments have been a fun break in between quiet book pages. If you have a request, let me know here or on the Facebook page, and I just might get a chance to design one!

3 thoughts on “Felt Gingerbread Star Cookie Ornament

  1. Lorena

    what a simple but so beautifull ornament, this really brings the holiday spirit into crafting. I love the little detail of adding the beads, I think it gave it just the right touch.

  2. najla hindi


    i love your christmas ornaments, can i order some? do you have a webshop?

    thank you

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