I created a pattern for a sweet and simple mini (6″ square) quiet book to share with you all. I will be posting instructions in sections as I complete my sewing. Do you have a little one you’d like to give a Valentine to?
Front/Back Cover
Flowers & Chocolates
Weaving Heart & Cupcake (this page)
Book Assembly & Giveaway – coming soon!
Yes, I said giveaway! I’ll be sending off my finished book to one lucky reader in time for Valentine’s gift giving.

These pages use: 12″ w x 6″ h hot pink felt background, a hot pink square slightly smaller than the 6″ page, felt (in light pink, red, lavender, white, brown, and wine), purple ribbon, a ribbon scrap, sew-on gems
, sew-on snaps and embroidery floss.

Weaving Heart: This is a very simple page to make! Lay the two halves of the heart on the page in a heart shape as shown. I made the pattern so there is about a 1/4″ extra at the ends of the strips. This leaves some wiggle room for weaving. Weave the two halves together before you pin them so you know you have it just right. Snip the slits between the strips a bit longer if needed. Once they are pinned down, sew the top of each one down in a half circle, leaving the strips loose.

Cupcake: This page features a tasty cupcake you can decorate! I made mine chocolate with a raspberry center (“ras-ras” according to Jax) and you can decorate it with pink frosting, a cupcake paper, whipped cream and a cherry! You could definitely make multiple options from the same pattern in different colors. I designed the page to be a pocket to hold the parts.
First you need to cut a square of felt to be your pocket. Pin and sew down your cupcake and heart filling to the pocket piece.
To make the cupcake paper, first cut the top of your felt pieces with pinking shears to make a zigzag. Sew some ribbon strips to the front piece to look like the pleated paper. Sew half of a snap to the top of the back piece and sew the halves together. Lay the cupcake paper on the pocket to see where the other half of the snap should be placed, then sew it down.
For the frosting, you’ll need to first embellish the front piece. I chose to make stitched sprinkles in two colors and added 3 sew-on gems. Sew half of a snap to the top of the back piece then pin the two halves together. You can add a loop of ribbon like I did to be a little candle. Sew the two sides together and add the other half of the snap to the pocket as you did before.

The whipped topping is sewn together with the snap sewn on the back. I then wrapped the two sides of the cherry around the whipped cream and sewed it in place. Sew the other half of the snap to the pocket.
I sewed my pocket to the page with the sewing machine as I was planning to sew the book together right then anyway. You could hand-sew it if you prefer.
I love the cupcake! I might have to reuse that pattern to make a full cupcake page. Jax is into anything food or baking related, so I know he’d like it.
Our next post will be on sewing it together and our big giveaway of my sample book!