I love creating patterns and giving them to you for free. Even if I start selling more in the future, I won’t stop posting the free ones! Running Imagine Our Life has been a blast!
An easy way to support my site is by spreading the word! Link, shares and posting my button are all appreciated!
Sewing Themed Button:
<a href=”http://www.imagineourlife.com”><img src=”http://www.imagineourlife.com/hotlink-ok/button-imagineourlife.jpg” width=”125″ height=”125″ alt=”Imagine Our Life” border=”0″></a>Montessori or Homeschool Themed Button:
<a href=”http://www.imagineourlife.com”><img src=”http://www.imagineourlife.com/hotlink-ok/125×125-iol-ms.jpg” width=”125″ height=”125″ alt=”Imagine Our Life” border=”0″></a>Have a blog or business?
Would you like to be a sponsor on Imagine Our Life? We are now accepting ads! I am also interested in swapping ads with similar blogs. Please visit my Sponsor page to place an ad on Imagine Our Life.
Don’t have a blog or business?
Many people have asked what they can do to help support our little blog. I do have ads on the site, though they don’t get a lot of action yet. If you are planning to make a purchase on Amazon, I get a little credit if you go through one of my links. The Shop page has some of my recommendations. If you’d like to join the members-only sale site MYHABIT, you can use my invitation link. I get a credit for each referral’s first purchase. Credits go towards clothing and homeshool supplies for Jax.
Jax has an Amazon list of items for next school year’s homeschooling here.
Jax and I also both have general wishlists on Amazon.com: mine is here
, his is here
The two of us go on weekly mommy & son Starbucks dates. Starbucks gift money would always be welcome!
We shop for project supplies from Joann’s, A.C. Moore, Amazon and Michael’s. Gift cards would be put to good use at theses stores!
Letters, cards and notes to Jax and I will make us smile! You can send us snail mail here:
Stephanie & Jax Segall 43300-116 Southern Walk Plaza #234 Broadlands, VA 20148-4463
Stop by and say hi! Your comments here, on Instagram and on the Facebook page make me smile and motivate me to keep being creative!